Family Dawn Altier Family Dawn Altier

dtla Family Session

Even though this Los Angeles family session was done towards the end of last year, it seems so relevant (on several levels) to today! Firstly, wishing all the Mommas a joy-filled Mother’s Day! I know motherhood/parenthood does not come easily. This Momma and Papa waited/tried for 15 years to have their sweet Emma. The little ladybug over-alls you’ll see her wearing in some of these images was the first outfit they bought when they were hoping an dreaming of having a little girl. 

The first two photos are in honor of the struggle most of us have been experiencing as we feel our way through the Covid-19 pandemic, and all the consequences that continue to ripple outward because of it.

Thinking of all who are involved in keeping us safe and connected during these uncertain times; of the healthcare workers especially, giving their energy, talents and skill, and sacrificing their own well-being to help people fight for their lives! Mindful of all the women who long to be mothers or have lost babies due to tragedy. My heart goes out to you all! Here is to life, health, love, connection, healing, and rising above adversity!!! xoxo

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Maternity Dawn Altier Maternity Dawn Altier

El Dorado Park Maternity Session

This post is close to my heart. It’s Mother’s Day Eve and this post is about Rachel, the first friend I ever made in public school. Her mom saw me in tears in the doorway of Mrs. Nerell’s kindergarten classroom and brought Rachel over to introduce her to me and my mom. Minutes later, Rach and I were off exploring the dramatic play area and picking out squares on the story-time carpet. Life in a foreign environment was suddenly bearable thanks to her! Many years have passed since then… and she is now a wife and a new momma! She and her hubby Jesse welcomed a son into the world last month! It was awesome to reunite with her through this photo shoot! Happy Mother’s Day Rach– to all mothers! And a special thank you to my Momma! You are my voice of reason and I love that we can have silly moments together! Much Love! XOXO

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